England, Arkansas – A seemingly heartfelt campaign to raise money for a beloved individual turned into a tale of deception and betrayal. The England School District, along with the entire England community, believed they were rallying support for one of their own, former England police Sergeant Eric Caffey, who claimed to be battling cancer. However, as the truth unfolded, the community’s goodwill was met with a shocking revelation.
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“The Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office received a complaint that Sergeant Caffey had misled the England community, alleging he had cancer and accepting donations from the community at that time,” stated Chief Deputy Danny Clem. The investigation into Caffey’s actions began back in 2021, focusing on the donations he received from community members and schools. These donations were intended to cover his medical expenses for what was believed to be a cancer diagnosis.
Throughout 2022, the school district and community members generously raised money for Caffey, unknowingly contributing to a facade. “I don’t know the exact amount, but I do know that it was several thousand dollars,” Chief Deputy Clem added, highlighting the extent of the community’s generosity.
While the England School District has refrained from commenting on the ongoing investigation, they emphasized their continued trust in the England Police Department, despite the allegations against Caffey.
The two-year-long investigation took a significant turn when, on October 23, 2023, Caffey turned himself in to the Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office. “He was booked and processed through our jail and later posted a bond. He was charged with two counts of theft, which were class D felony charges,” Chief Deputy Clem revealed.
The Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office disclosed on their Facebook page that Caffey fabricated his cancer diagnosis, leading to fundraisers for non-existent medical expenses. This resulted in the issuance of a warrant for his arrest on two counts of felony theft of property. Following his release on a $2,500 bond, it’s important to note that all parties are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court.
Although Caffey has been charged, no court date has been set. However, Chief Deputy Clem expressed a message of resilience and compassion: “We want people to still have caring hearts because there are some people out there that do need the help, and we support them 100%.”