Pine Bluff, Arkansas – In the aftermath of a tragic incident in Pine Bluff, the heartbroken mother of the deceased is stepping forward to ensure that her daughter’s last wishes are respected and to call for justice. Racheal Crouch was brutally taken from her family under mysterious circumstances, and while a suspect is in custody, many questions still remain unanswered.
A Mother’s Heartbreak
On a fateful Sunday afternoon, Racheal Crouch met her untimely death on Belmoor Drive. She was “shot to death” while riding in a car with another man. At only 33, Racheal was shot in the head, ending a life described by her family as strong, thoughtful, and caring. The man accompanying her was immediately hospitalized, leaving Racheal’s mother, Elberta Crouch, in anguish and desperately seeking answers.
Elberta’s grief was palpable as she shared, “I talked to her yesterday from Heaven, and I know she heard me, and I told her that I was so sorry.” The raw pain and emotion of a mother grieving her child became evident as she broke down during the conversation. While the Pine Bluff police have a suspect in custody, one significant question continues to haunt the family: “why?”
Hoping to gain clarity, Elberta is looking to the hospitalized man or the arrested suspect for insights into the senseless act. Only three days have passed since the tragic incident, but Elberta felt compelled to speak, believing her words could potentially bring about some change. Through tears, she affirmed her promise to Racheal, saying, “I told her that I would make sure, that I would make sure, that whoever did this that they get the justice that is deserved because nobody deserves to get killed so brutally like she did.”
Racheal’s life, though marked by her caring nature, was not without challenges. Elberta described her daughter as being “lost,” emphasizing the importance of children leading a righteous life. Her plea was clear: “Children, out there that missing, living a fast life, please, I’m begging y’all turn your life around and go home.”
The pain for the family deepened when, the day after Racheal’s death, another woman was killed in Pine Bluff. This tragedy only reinforced Elberta’s message, urging parents to cherish their children every day. She lamented, “Anybody that has children, hug and kiss them every night, and be grateful that you still have your daughter or son. I don’t.”
With the weight of grief also comes the weight of financial responsibilities. Racheal did not have any insurance for her funeral or burial. The family, committed to honoring her wish “not to be cremated,” is grappling with the $6,000 cost. To help, Racheal’s cousin, Jennifer Ibarra-Reyes, has initiated fundraising efforts, while other family members are organizing raffles on social media to gather funds.