Pine Bluff, Arkansas – The Pine Bluff Police Department has placed a part-time officer, 37-year-old Whitney Bradley, on administrative leave following an incident that transpired at her residence. The Department has sought assistance from the Arkansas State Police for an ongoing investigation into a shooting that occurred around 10 p.m. on July 5th on Brentwood Drive.
The authorities have stated that Pine Bluff officer Bradley reported the incident herself, dialing 911 after shooting a 40-year-old man who was a guest at her home. Following the incident, the injured party was transported to a nearby hospital where he is presently recuperating.
Law enforcement agencies have labeled the event as a “domestic disturbance”. Pine Bluff officer Bradley, while under investigation, will be receiving her regular pay during the administrative leave.
The Pine Bluff Police Department refrains from disclosing any additional details about the incident at this moment, assuring that they will offer updates as the case progresses and further information is available.