Little Rock, Arkansas – In a series of concerning events in Little Rock, police have apprehended a 19-year-old individual, Miles Caldwell, for allegedly starting fires in two separate fitness gym bathrooms on Thursday. This act of arson has led to his arrest and subsequent charges with two counts of arson, according to the Little Rock Police Department.
The incident began when a fire was reported around 11:30 a.m. at the Little Rock Athletic Club (LRAC) on Sam Peck Road. Later in the day, at around 4 p.m., another fire occurred under similar circumstances at 10 Fitness on Rodney Parham. Both fires were set in the men’s bathrooms of these facilities, causing significant concern and necessitating the involvement of fire crews.
Despite these unsettling incidents, both fitness gyms have reassured their members and the public that they remain open for business. However, the LRAC has taken additional precautions by closing their daycare on Friday for thorough cleaning, as noted in a social media post by the gym.
Caldwell’s arrest marks a swift response by the Little Rock Police Department to these acts of arson. The incidents highlight the importance of safety and vigilance in public spaces, and the prompt actions of both the police and the fire department have helped to quickly address and mitigate the situation.