Pine Bluff, Arkansas – A devastating incident unfolded on Interstate 530 two days ago, leading to the unfortunate demise of a 71-year-old woman. Pine Bluff police have reported that Martha Saucier, the elderly driver, lost her life after her vehicle struck a tree near the Wrightsville exit.
While on his patrol on I-530 that morning, a Pine Bluff police sergeant witnessed a car displaying erratic movements, swerving dangerously close to multiple vehicles. Recognizing the potential risks, the sergeant immediately contacted dispatchers to request a state trooper’s assistance.
Upon approaching the vehicle, the sergeant noticed the driver was Martha Saucier, an elderly woman. The authorities later revealed that, considering the possibility that Saucier might be experiencing medical issues, the sergeant swiftly activated his lights and sirens. This action aimed to warn and safeguard other vehicles in the vicinity, especially as they were near the Grant County line.
Tragically, as she approached the Wrightsville exit, Saucier was reportedly driving at a speed of around 40 to 45 mph. She failed to manage the curve on the road, which led her vehicle to collide with a tree, resulting in her immediate death.
Adding to the sorrow of the situation, police dispatchers received a heartbreaking call from Saucier’s daughter. She was attempting to report her mother as missing, only to be informed about the tragic accident near the Wrightsville exit.