Little Rock, Arkansas – The fourth and eighth-grade reading and math scores from the January through March 2022 administration have been made public by the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Reports say that Arkansas’ ratings dropped in 2019, despite the fact that this trend is common across all states.
According to a news release, a sample of 3,500 fourth graders and 3,600 eighth graders from 176 public schools in Arkansas participated in the exams in 2022, as opposed to 216,500 fourth graders and 215,700 eighth graders nationwide who attended 10,800 public schools.
For fourth and eighth-grade students, math and reading tests typically take place every two years.
NAEP evaluations that were slated for 2021 were postponed to 2022 due to the COVID outbreak.
“Arkansas’ scores, as well as those from other states, reflect the extensive impact of the pandemic on student learning,” Arkansas Department of Education Secretary Johnny Key said. “We will continue to assist schools in providing additional support to students to offset learning gaps that occurred as a result of the pandemic.”