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Little Rock has a dismal reputation as a place to keep resolutions

Little Rock, Arkansas – According to a recently published study, where you reside may have an impact on how well you follow your New Year’s resolutions, and Little Rock performed poorly.

Little Rock was ranked 160 out of 182 cities by the consumer finance website WalletHub for its capacity to support New Year’s resolutions. In order to measure health, finances, school and job, bad habit, and relationship resolutions, the survey ranked across 57 metrics.

Due to its comparative lack of exercise centers and its high proportion of obese adults with poor eating habits, Little Rock received the lowest score on health resolutions. With factors like binge drinking, adult smokers, and adults with insufficient sleep taken into account, the city’s performance in terms of breaking bad habits was also subpar.

The study gave Seattle, Washington, the top spot, while Newark, New Jersey, came in worst at position 182.

According to fitness expert and P90X creator Tony Horton, who was cited in NewsNation, keeping a resolution is never easy. He promotes constancy by giving the example of a resolution to lose weight.

“You can’t conquer the world in the first 15 days,” Horton said in the interview. “How about we just lose, you know, five pounds in the first couple of weeks? If you do that. And if you’re consistent with it, the more you do, the better you get.”

Horton also advised laying down a game plan for accomplishing goals and assigning responsibility to a friend or partner.

“I always say, write it down, put it on your refrigerator, your front door, your bathroom mirror, because if you write it down, you’ll do it. If you’re winging it, you won’t,” he said.


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